Lumia 640 XL LTE

The Lumia 640 XL LTE is a budget phone. Usually the camera of most budget smartphones are not that great and it is not cost-effective to get better lenses for it. However, Microsoft has managed to get a quality camera in this big screen phone without making it really expensive.

The phone comes with 4G connectivity and has a 3,000mAh battery inside to ensure a long lasting battery life. The battery life can last up to 10 hours of web browsing time.

There are variations of the Lumia 640 XL LTE like one with a single SIM slot and an LTE 4G modem. You can also get it in different colours such as black, white or cyan. The colour cyan stands out most among most other smartphones that usually come in either black or white making it quite unique.

The Lumia 640 XL LTE does feel like plastic but it is quite solid and the casing adds a small amount of texture so it doesn’t slip off your hand that easily. It weighs around 171g and thus it is not much of a burden to hold on to as it is not that heavy.

It has a resolution of 1280×720 pixels and the colours are rich and bright with great contrast so it is easy to read it under bright sunlight. It runs on Windows Phone 8.1 and comes with 1GB of RAM.

It has quite smooth and great performance for basic use and the only time when it is usually slow is when it is turning on as it takes around 25 seconds from pressing the power on button. However it is not going to break any records.

In conclusion if you’re looking for a great budget smartphone that has not only long battery life but also comes with a great camera that is able to take photos with solid detail and great colours then the Lumia 640 XL LTE is great choice for you. Although the 720p resolution makes the pixel density lower and the performance is not great if you’re a power user, it is priced at around S$322.88 and might vary from different retail stores. I really recommend this phone for people who are wanting a cheap yet great phone.

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