The all new advanced EV3RSTORM

Lego Mindstorms EV3 ( LEGO CATALOG N.O #31313 ) is currently the latest version of Lego Mindstorms. It is the newer version of the NXT and its programming software is highly improved compared to the NXT software.The EV3 version also has newer functions such as finding the beacon and it also has the ability to read an SD card to perform complex movements.

EV3 robots use large-medium-sized motors to power their wheels, arms , or other moving parts. They use sensors to take input from their surroundings, such as the colour of a surface or the approximate distance to the object. Cables connect the motors and sensors to the EV3 brick. The infrared remote control –or simply, the remote- can be used to steer or move a robot remotely. Overall i think the Lego Mindstorms EV3 is a great set and it is really worth buying.

What you get in the box, however, is certainly good enough to get started. The Track3r is a tank-like robot that wields a weapon and can find its way around a pre-printed map (the unwrapped outer sleeve of the box). Building time is about an hour, and that is depending on how you organize your bricks.

Alternatives to this is the Spik3r (a sort of robot scorpion), R3ptor (a snake-like creature) and Gripp3r. There’s also the main build, the giant Ev3rstorm robot that graces the front of the box.

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