Pokemon Sun & Moon

Pokemon Sun and Moon is newly released on November 2016 to commemorate the Pokemon franchise’s 20th anniversary.

Following the usual story line of almost all the Pokemon games, you will be a Pokemon trainer training Pokemons with your friends in the Alola region which is based on Hawaii. The objective of this game in the story is to defeat/stop the criminal organization, Team Skull, while battling other Pokemon trainers along the way.

The game introduced 81 new Pokemon species and includes new features such as Alolan forms of previous Pokemons, powerful moves called Z-Moves, powerful creatures known as Ultra Beasts, updated battle and training mechanics, and improved polygonal 3D graphics. The game also has Mega Evolution which evolves Pokemon into a better form. Just like Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, Pokemon Sun and Moon has almost the same story plot.

Alike the other previous Pokemon games, it contains similar and more features like being able to customize your own character in Pokemon X and Y.

The game takes places in the Alola region which consists of mostly islands. You start off by moving in to the region and you meet Professor Kukui. Unfortunately, Professor Oak is not around (Professor in other Pokemon games) and instead his cousin Samson Oak will be taking his place and Professor Kukui being the leading scientist. You then continue on into the normal situation where you have to save someone from a Pokemon or witness someone getting saved from a Pokemon and from there you continue on with the story.

The game was very well received by people and critics and it even shipped over 10 million units worldwide within a week, becoming one of the fastest selling games in Nintendo’s history.

Pokemon Sun and Moon costs £32 and £35 respectively on Amazon and GAME. I personally feel it is worth it as the game is quite different from the usual game mechanics.

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Pokemon Fire Red

There may be some spoilers in this, viewer discretion is advised.

Probably one of the oldest pokemon games,it only has 151 pokemon(If you include Mew).Now there is over 70o. It is just like any other pokemon game but with lesser pokemon and graphics that are not as good. At the start of the game you pick either Squirtle, Bulbasaur or Charmander. There are multiple towns,cities and islands. There is Pallet Town the town you start in, Viridian City where you find the ground gym(that is closed), with the gym leader also the leader of team rocket. Than there is Pewter City, Cerulean City, Saffron City, Celadon City,Lavender Town,Vermillion City, Fuschia City,Cinnibar Island and Indigo Plateau.

There are lots of possible good teams in Fire Red just like in any other pokemon game.However many teams do not include legendary as although they may be strong they don’t have a great move set at the start unlike legendary in other games. Except Mew and Mewtwo. By the way mew can learn any move.Although mew is not in Fire Red, you can get it with codes.

In Fire Red you are the protagonist and your enemy is team rocket.You know the one that loses every fight because a lack of either good pokemon or a brain.

When you finish getting all 8 badges you can go to indigo plateau to challenge the elite four and champion to become champion yourself.The elite four members are Lorelei who specializes in ice pokemon, Bruno in fighting, Agatha in ghost, and lance in dragon.Finally Your rival unlike the others, has a diversity of different type pokemon, making him the most “difficult” to beat.





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Photo courtesy of :http://www.emuparadise.me/Nintendo_Gameboy_Advance_ROMs/Pokemon_Fire_Red_(U)(Independent)/44933

Pokemon Go

The newest game, Pokemon GO has made a huge impact on not just gamers, but others who did not like games at first. To those, whose childhood are with pokemon, then this is the game that you would probable love for the rest of your life. Using the AR ( Augmented Reality) and GPS, the game requires you to move about in the world to catch pokemon. When one appears, it shows up in the real world and you would have to point your phone’s camera towards it and catch it through your phone. There are also PokeStops along the way that allows you to collect things that will help you in your journey to catch more pokemon.

While the game being a global hit, it has some minor server issues. During its publish, it had to stop as its server was overloading after it being released only at 4 countries.

Pokemon Go uses players GPS to play the game and catch Pokemon around their area and access PokeStops. Another game that uses the players GPS to play the game is Ingress which is also by Niantic.

Pokemon Go also has another thing besides PokeStops and Pokemon which are Gyms. It resembles the original gyms from the old Pokemon games. Once a player reaches level 5, he/she can join a team (Valor,Mystic or Instinct). Once a players joins a team he/she can battle gyms for their team and take them over. To battle a gym, one has to simply go within the range of it and tap on it.

You can power-up some of the Pokemon by using Stardust which can be obtained by capturing, evolving and hatching Pokemon from eggs and the type of Pokemon Candy for the certain type of its original evolution (Pidgy Candy for Pidgy, Pideotto, and Pidgeot). By powering up the Pokemon, it will raise its CP which stands for Combat Point. For evolving Pokemon, it requires Pokemon Candy to evolve it which will give you XP (needed to level up) for each evolution a player did.

If the team currently occupying the gym is not the player’s one the the player can battle it using 6 of its Pokemon. When a player defeats a gym which is not his/her own by lowering its prestige to 0, it becomes neutral (white) then anybody can place his/her Pokemon in it to take it over for their team. There are some people who like to wait for others to take down the gym for them and then “steal” it by placing his/her Pokemon in it. When gym’s prestige is lowered down by 1 level, the lowest CP Pokemon in the gym gets “kicked” out which means that it returns to its trainer and will no longer be in the gym.

If it is a friendly gym (players’s own team) then the player can place his/her own Pokemon in it to help defend the gym. Players also can train the gym to raise its prestige. Players can only place the same amount of Pokemon in the gym as the gym level. Therefore by raising its prestige, a player can level up the gym and place his/her Pokemon in it. If a player were to place a Pokemon in the gym, he/she can claim the Defender Bonus once every 21 hours but the Defender Bonus cannot be claimed if your Pokemon got “kicked” out of the gym. The more amount of Pokemon a player places in the gym, the more amount of Defender Bonus one can claim (1 Pokemon in a gym grants 10 Pokecoins and 500 Stardust). However one cannot place more than 1 Pokemon in the same gym meaning that one has to travel to several friendly gyms and place their Pokemon in it.

There are several items in the game to help you advance (Lure Modules, Incense , More Egg Incubators, and Lucky Eggs).

Lucky Eggs

Lucky Eggs can be used whenever a player wishes to do so. However it is advised to use it only when one wants to evolve a lot of Pokemon at once as it doubles the XP one gets for 30 minutes.

Egg Incubators

Egg Incubators allows a player to incubate a egg as the name suggests. To hatch the egg, players must walk the required distance to hatch it. The further the player has to walk, the better the Pokemon the player gets. Having more Egg Incubators mean that a player can hatch multiple eggs at once, thus being more efficient. However, extra incubators that a player gets can only be used to hatch 3 eggs.

Lure Modules

Lure Modules can be used on PokeStops and benefits everyone around it. It lures Pokemon to its area and lasts for 30 minutes.


Incense benefits the only player who uses it and can be used anywhere. It lures Pokemon to the player and a Pokemon appears every 200m a player moves or every 5 minutes. It also lasts for 30 minutes. However, some players have altered the time on their device to reset the timer or get more time using the Incense and Lucky Egg as it depends on the time on your device.

With the new update, Niantic added the second generation of Pokemon into the game and a few new features like being able to see which Pokestop is the nearest to a certain Pokemon on your nearby list just by clicking on the Pokemon you want to ‘track’.

Courtesy of :https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2sj2iQyBTQs/maxresdefault.jpg

Pokemon FireRed

There may be some spoilers in this, viewer discretion is advised.

Probably one of the oldest pokemon games,it only has 151 pokemon(If you include Mew).Now there is over 70o. It is just like any other pokemon game but with lesser pokemon and graphics that are not as good. At the start of the game you pick either Squirtle, Bulbasaur or Charmander. There are multiple towns,cities and islands. There is Pallet Town the town you start in, Viridian City where you find the ground gym(that is closed), with the gym leader also the leader of team rocket. Than there is Pewter City, Cerulean City, Saffron City, Celadon City,Lavender Town,Vermillion City, Fuschia City,Cinnibar Island and Indigo Plateau.

There are lots of possible good teams in Fire Red just like in any other pokemon game.However many teams do not include legendary as although they may be strong they don’t have a great move set at the start unlike legendary in other games. Except Mew and Mewtwo. By the way mew can learn any move.Although mew is not in Fire Red, you can get it with codes.

In Fire Red you are the protagonist and your enemy is team rocket.You know the one that loses every fight because a lack of either good pokemon or a brain.

When you finish getting all 8 badges you can go to indigo plateau to challenge the elite four and champion to become champion yourself.The elite four members are Lorelei who specializes in ice pokemon, Bruno in fighting, Agatha in ghost, and lance in dragon.Finally Your rival unlike the others, has a diversity of different type pokemon, making him the most “difficult” to beat.





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Photo courtesy of :http://www.emuparadise.me/Nintendo_Gameboy_Advance_ROMs/Pokemon_Fire_Red_(U)(Independent)/44933

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby

Hoenn was always my favorite region since I was a small child. Many other Pokemon fans would also think that catching Rayquaza was their happiest moment in their childhood. I was really excited when Nintendo first announced the release of a remake of Ruby and Sapphire and I’m pretty sure any other Pokemon fans was excited regardless of their favorite region/game As I played the game memories of trainers returned. Especially the bug type trainers with 6 wurmple on their team.

It was truly a nostalgic journey which is one of the thing Nintendo hopes for whenever they make a remake. From a cute friendship with your rival to a touching ending. Touching not only because of the story, touching also as it’s the end of the game and there will most likely be no more ruby/sapphire/emerald remakes.

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby offers really beautiful and detailed graphics like the wings of Beautifly. The graphics really showed how much games have changed over the past decade. The post game content is really huge. The number of legendaries have increased by a lot so once you defeat the Elite Four and the Champion, you can leave you champion duty to Steven and not have to carry out Champion duty and go around Hoenn trying to complete your pokedex and most importantly catching all the legendaries.

One thing that annoyed me throughout the game was the number of HMs. When a HM is learnt it is not easily unlearned. The only good HM I would say would be Surf. To beat the Elite Four and Champion all you need is a over leveled Swampert and just spam Surf. Most of the times before beating the Elite Four my team would have four of my Pokemon which I share a close relationship with and 2 other HM slaves.

Overall I think that more can be done to make the game better but no matter what, if you are a Pokemon fan, you should play this game.

Photo Courtesy of https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tb4pXToGmRU/maxresdefault.jpg