Realm of the Mad God (bullet hell mmo)

Image result for rotmg front page

Rotmg or RotMG is the short form of the game


Wild Shadow & Spry Fox

The game was created in 2010 and was launched in 2011 by Wild Shadow Studios and Spry Fox. During this period, which players refer to as “Wild Shadow Era”, people were satisfied with the game and was very free to play friendly, where the main currency was available to all.


Unfortunately, because of this, Wild Shadow was forced to sell the game as they were running out of funds. Kabam saw potential in it and bought it. Most players consider this era bad overall, although it does has its strengths. Kabam implemented arguably the best and only true endgame content. However, Kabam does not deserve all the credit as, an ordinary player was the one who gave both the idea and the code. This was mainly the reason why many players stayed through the long time Kabam abandoned the game. Now, to the important cons (too many cons): after Kabam came, they turned this once co-operative(co-op) game into a pay to win and money-grubbing game. If that was not enough, they introduced pets. Pets enabled a single player to be stronger than 6-7 players combined. Pets were what destroyed the co-op aspect of this game. For context, it used to be about survivability, helping other players out and co-op. Now? its about who can get the most and deny the most loot from others. Have I mentioned about the amount of hackers? Adding that would be too long.

Deca Games

The game was at the verge of dying, but then, came Deca Games. Deca Games is an indie company that was formed for RotMG. The main team is made out of former Kabam employees. They started out by making everyone like them by giving away free stuff. They then continued by addressing the hackers (basically almost none now). Finally, they start adding more content and fix kabam’s many mistakes, like the imbalanced economy. However, a lot of content are new cosmetics( how they intend to make money without making RotMG pay to win), but there are also some quality content and quality of life changes that are quite frequent. Events such as Cinco De Mayo are also seldom made. They are also being more generous than Kabam during the annual ‘Month of the Mad God’ event. They also listen to the community and host contests on Reddit for players to win prizes.

Basic mechanics:

Upon starting the game, there should be a tutorial about the very basics. Like controls, shooting and looting. Before I get started, you can change the controls by pressing “o”.

One of the main aspect of the game is permanent-death(perma-death), so prepare to rage, but prepare to come back afterwards.

Start out at the beach( where scorpions are at) and slowly move inland. They will drop some bags where loot like weapons, abilities, armour and rings can make you stronger.

Guild Hall

On the right is the UI where your mini map(3), name(4), nexus icon(4), fame/experience/level(5), health(6), mana(6), inventory/stats/pet info(8), friends icon(12) and nearby players(11). On the top is the stars(1), obtained by getting fame requirements on classes, guild and guild position(1), fame(2) and gold(2). The chat is at the bottom left(10). Go here for more information.

The four slots, , , are slots for weapon, ability, armour and ring. The weapons, abilities and armours are different for different class, which will be explained later.


Health(Life)-If it reaches -1 you die

Mana(Mana)- You use this to use your abilities


Dexterity(Dex)-Rate of fire

Speed(Spd)-Movement speed

Defense(def)-reduces damage taken by the amount you have until 85% reduction of the bullet’s damage

Vitality(Vit)-The rate in which you regenerate Health

Wisdom(Wis)-The rate in which you regenerate Mana

These stats can be increased permanently by leveling up and drinking potions, referred to as pots. There are maximum amount of each stats that are different for every class. They can be increased by gear and temporary boosts such as gumballs and tinctures above the maximum.

Update: Some greater potions are now added again. They give twice as much stat increases.

Classes:Classes Unlocking System

There are 14 classes, each with their own special abilities. On the top is which class you have to level to 20 to unlock each specific class. Getting each class to level 20 is the best way to unlock all classes.

You start with the wizardWizard, the highest dps class, besides warriorWarrior, as it has the most att and dex of all classes, 75 each and its ability is the spellFire Spray Spell, commonly referred to spell bomb because of its high potential damage from 20 damaging shots that shoot from the cursor when used.

Next is PriestPriest, arguably the best class for beginners, due to its abilityHealing Tome, the tome, it instantly heals the player, the draw back is it’s dps with the wandFire Wand, which deals low damage.

The bow and leather classes:

ArcherArcher and huntressHuntress, uses the bow, arguably the most powerful type weapons. They have exactly the same stats and highest attack in the game. They use the quiverMagic Quiver and trapHunting Trap respectively, which slows or paralyzes depending on the tier. Recommended when you have the Doom Bow(Dbow)Doom Bow or Coral Bow(Cbow)Coral Bow.

The dagger and leather classes:

RogueRogue, AssassinAssassin, TricksterTrickster. The daggerSteel Dagger classes all have 75 max speed and 75 max dexterity. Dagger is a middle-ranged weapon with 5.6 range. With the cloakCloak of Shadows, which makes you invisible and not be noticed by enemies, poisonCentipede Poison, which deals damage over time, prismDecoy Prism, which lets you teleport and create a decoy enemies will treat as a real player. The rogue is a solo class, having lesser players around you is better. Assassin is the class where you can deal damage without in danger of the target. Trickster is one of the hardest class to play as its ability is the hardest to use efficiently and has a high skill floor and ceiling. Recommended if you like to stay at medium range and being the fastest

The sword and heavy armour classes:

KnightKnight, PaladinPaladin and WarriorWarrior. They all have the highest max health in the game, at 770. The swordShort Sword is a short range and high damage weapon. The Knight is the most defensive class, with 40 max defense and the ability, the shieldWooden Shield, stunsGold Five Pointed Star enemies and make then unable to shoot and grants bonus defense. Considered as the easiest class to play and well known for its infamous “Lel XD”. The Paladin uses the seal to healRed Cross, increase max healthHP increase and increase damageSword dealt of himself and others. The Warrior, uses the helmet, giving berserkRed Sword to all and speedyGreen Up Arrow to self. With 75 attack, berserk giving 25% more dexterity, and high damage of swords, he has one of the most dps in the game. Most of the time warriors are incredibly selfish and will only buff itself to guarantee the most loot for himself, which is incredibly easy due to the buffs’ small radius.

The staff and robe classes:

The WizardWizard, NecromancerNecromancer and MysticMystic. The staffEnergy Staff is a medium to high damage with long range and 2 shots. All of them have the highest max mana, at 385 and above average wisdom. The Necromancer uses a skullNecrotic Skull as its ability, healing based on the amount of damage dealt in the radius of its ability, like a tomeHealing Tome. Recommended for beginners who wants dps. The mystic uses a orbStasis Orb, which stasis and cursesCurse at the higher tiers. Hard to master and most of the time only useful for end-game dungeons and trolling.

The wand and robe classes:

Thee PriestPriest and Sorcerer Sorcerer. They use the wandFire Wand, the highest ranged weapon in the game, but the lowest damage. The sorcerer uses the scepterLightning Scepter, which deals damage to multiple targets, reducing the damage done each time. Recommended for long range combat against bosses such as Oryx.

The katana and leather class:

The lonely Ninja Ninja, uses the katanaRusty Katana, a short range weapon that is shorter than a dagger but longer than a sword and pierces. Due to its leather armour and short range katana, it is a difficult class to play. The starBasic Star, gives you speedyGreen Up Arrow when you hold down space bar or shift click, which does not stop until you shift click again. Letting go of space bar shoots a star dealing a lot of damage. This class is recommended for players looking for a challenge, hit and run or when you have the UT weapon, Doku No KenDoku No Ken.


Brown BagPink BagPurple BagEgg BasketCyan BagBlue Bag White BagBoosted Bag

There are a total of 8 types of bags: brown, pink, purple, cyan, blue, white and red. Brown and pink is not soulbound, meaning that they can be seen by other players and they can take whatever is inside.

Brown BagBrown bags are mainly consumables that are such as health potion(not potion of life) and mana potions.

Pink BagPink bags contains low tiered gears like tiers( tiers 1-6 for weapons and armours, 1-2 for abilities, and 1 for rings( higher tiers are better)).

Purple BagPurple and above are soulbound, meaning that they can only be seen by you and no one else. They usually drop tiers 7-9 for weapons and armours, 3-4 for abilities, and 2-4 for rings.

Egg BasketEgg baskets contain pet eggsCommon Pet Egg, which is explained in a later part of this post.

Cyan BagCyan bags contain all other better gear.

Blue BagBlue bags contain stat potions.

 White BagThe legendary rng bag is the White bag, they are very rare and drop special items according to the enemy.

Boosted BagRed bags drop when you use loot drop or tier potions or lucky clovers. The bags overwrite each other in this order: Red>White>Blue>Cyan>Egg>Purple>Pink>Brown

EDIT: New update! There are now new bags.

Golden BagGolden bags contain treasures and marksMark of the Puppet Master.

Orange BagOrange bags contain skins Mini SphinxMini Sthenoand ST itemsNectar Crossfire.

Red BagRed bags contains T13 weapons, T14 armors, and T6 rings. T13 weapons and T14 armors are added in the Lost Halls update.

Boosted BagsBoosted bags now correspond to the colour of the bags.


There are a lot of items and they are self explanatory when you mouse over them. If you are unsure about what it does, you can go to eye-bigrealmeye to check.

Character slots and Vaults:

Char Slot UnlockerVault Chest Unlocker

The amount of character slots is the amount of characters you can have alive at once. Vaults are chests which let you store items which do not disappear when you die. These can only be obtained by paying or when Deca Games decides to give them out, most of the time during an event like MotMG. If you are paying, it is best to wait for deals such as Super Ample Packs where you can get more value for money.


The most over powered thing in RotMG. They have various abilities and the most significant two are ‘Heal’ and ‘Magic Heal’. The abilities heal and increase your mana(not maximum) respectively, they get more efficient every level. There are 5 rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary and Divine. To make sure you do not waste your time with your pet, you can go here. Each family starts with several types of first abilities, except for humanoid, which is always heal and therefore the best eggCommon Pet Egg.Pet Fusing

EDIT: New Update! Pet stones changes your pet’s family and skin permanently.



Using flash projector is arguably one of best ways to reduce lag, close to Steam. Steam is a lot easier to set up and they offer a free pack, however, Steam is known to crash when playing RotMG, unlike flash projector, which is harder to make work. A step by step tutorial here. Another way to reduce lag is to go to the options and turn off ‘Draw shadows’, ‘Hardware acceleration’ and disabling player projectiles. In options, you can also assign a key to open the stats of the game, such as the memory and frames per second. RotMG is prone to memory leak, which causes a lot of lag, so you can use the stats to know when a memory leak is about to occur.



If you do this I have lost all respect for you… unless it is a weird game like Growtopia that is literally about merching. Merching in RotMG means buying low and selling high. This is most of the time used by players who have no skill to actually play the game and have no access to their mom’s credit card to pay their way to being “pro”. Basically, go here to see the offers and gauge the price, although most of them are overpriced(because most of them are also merchers).

Paying to win:

There are 2 types, the stupid one is buying gear from the nexus shop, the smarter ones are investing into their pet or Character and Vault slots(Lasts forever) and buy mostly great deals such as the Cinco De Mayo packs and Super Ample Packs.

Fame farming:

People with no life who farm for fame in the godlands( a currency mostly only used to feed pets) 24/7 and think that they are pro.

PPE and NPEs:

PPE stands for Pet Player Experience, you start with no gear except t 0 weapon and ability, you can’t trade or get free items. The goal is to get 8/8(8 out of 8 stats maxed) and good gear. Most of time it is very easy as pets are over powered, but people still think that they are good when they complete one using the easiest class(lel xD ppe btw). NPE stands for New Player Experience, which is the same thing as PPE except no pets are allowed. This is mostly played for fun as it increases the difficulty of the easy game.

Actually playing the game:

The best way to improve is to learn from your mistakes and invest in pets as they can carry you. After having a good pet, preferably at least a rare, you can farm godlands and certain dungeons for pots to max your character and store items in vault in case you die for the next character.

This game has kept me entertained for 5 years now, so I recommend it, although it is not for the faint of heart.

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Pokemon FireRed

There may be some spoilers in this, viewer discretion is advised.

Probably one of the oldest pokemon games,it only has 151 pokemon(If you include Mew).Now there is over 70o. It is just like any other pokemon game but with lesser pokemon and graphics that are not as good. At the start of the game you pick either Squirtle, Bulbasaur or Charmander. There are multiple towns,cities and islands. There is Pallet Town the town you start in, Viridian City where you find the ground gym(that is closed), with the gym leader also the leader of team rocket. Than there is Pewter City, Cerulean City, Saffron City, Celadon City,Lavender Town,Vermillion City, Fuschia City,Cinnibar Island and Indigo Plateau.

There are lots of possible good teams in Fire Red just like in any other pokemon game.However many teams do not include legendary as although they may be strong they don’t have a great move set at the start unlike legendary in other games. Except Mew and Mewtwo. By the way mew can learn any move.Although mew is not in Fire Red, you can get it with codes.

In Fire Red you are the protagonist and your enemy is team rocket.You know the one that loses every fight because a lack of either good pokemon or a brain.

When you finish getting all 8 badges you can go to indigo plateau to challenge the elite four and champion to become champion yourself.The elite four members are Lorelei who specializes in ice pokemon, Bruno in fighting, Agatha in ghost, and lance in dragon.Finally Your rival unlike the others, has a diversity of different type pokemon, making him the most “difficult” to beat.





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Mount and Blade: Warband

What is the game about?

Mount and Blade: Warband is an action role-playing game developed by TaleWorlds Entertainment and published by Paradox Interactive. In the game you play as an adventurer in the land of Calradia, you’re tired of your old life and want to start a new one by adventuring the cruel lands filled with bandits and raiders.

You can choose to either be a vassal under the king of the 6 factions, a mercenary or start your own kingdom and taking over land.

The 6 factions are the Khergit Khanate, Kingdom of the Nords, Kingdom of Rhodoks, Kingdom of Swadia, Kingdom of Vaegirs and the Sarranid Sultanate.

Choosing your backstory


When you first start up a new game, you are asked to choose how your backstory is like and this would affect your character stats. You have 4 main attributes which are Strength, Agility, Intelligence and Charisma and upgrading these attributes allow you to further upgrade skills.

Skills require certain levels of attributes in order to be upgraded. For example Ironflesh which increase the maximum hit points you have and requires strength to be upgraded to a higher level.

You can also level up your character’s weapon proficiency like archery or one-handed weapons so that you’re more effective in combat.

Character Stat Page


After the character creation, you can to choose which faction’s capital city you want to start out in. Upon choosing, you will be ambushed by a bandit and you have to kill him with either your crossbow or sword. Afterwards, a merchant will approach you and invites you to his house where he gives you a quest to hire men to fight for you in a rebellion the merchant is planning.

Recruiting volunteers is very simple, all you have to do is go to any villages that are not towns and you’re able to hire volunteers to fight for you, as they fight with you longer in battle, they will be able to be promoted to a higher rank troop which is stronger and much more durable in battle.

The kingdoms also specializes in a certain type of troop like the Kingdom of Vaegirs specialises in archers and the Kingdom of the Nords specialises in infantry. Keep this in mind when you want to build an effective and strong army.


As for the sound of the game, though you will hear the same old screaming of the men or women fighting in battles, you would be probably more focused on combat in the game. The soundtrack is amazing though, the peaceful and calm music when you’re travelling and intense music when in battle, these little things makes a battle or travelling a little more interesting.

Horseback Combat

Combat elements

For combat, there are various weapon types you can use, from one-handed weapons to javelins.

For sword or axe combat, you can swing your sword from 4 directions, left, right, upwards and downwards. This can be used to attack your opponent’s weak spot or to parry them.

For bows and crossbows, it is pretty straight forward, all you have to do is aim and arch your arrow towards your enemy.

Throwing weapons are a little different from bows and crossbows but are still similar.

Lances can be used on horseback and not recommended on foot, you can either do a couch lance attack or a normal attack against the enemy.

World Map

RPG elements

When not in combat, you will be in a world map type of scenario where when not moving the game will be paused, from there you will be able to see all the different towns, villages and from the different factions and who owns them.

You will be able to see yourself and any other vassals of the different factions if they are in your visible range. From there you are also able to manage your party, character and see reports of current events.

If you’re not up for Singleplayer, there’s always Multiplayer where there are different servers running different types of gamemodes. This would be fun for people who enjoy multiplayer games.


In conclusion, Mount and Blade: Warband is a really good RPG-Action game with many things to do. This would ensure countless playtime, without getting repetitive very soon.

The graphics may look old but the gameplay and sound is excellent and nonetheless, it is still a great game and I would greatly recommend this to anyone who loves RPG-Action games.

If you’re the type who doesn’t like blood or hate to see it, there are options to turn it off.

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Mount and Blade: Warband is an action role-playing game developed by TaleWorlds Entertainment and published by Paradox Interactive. In the game you play as an adventurer in the land of Calradia, you’re tired of your old life and want to start a new one by adventuring the cruel lands filled with bandits and raiders. You can choose to either be a vassal under the king of the 6 factions, a mercenary or start your own kingdom and taking over land. The 6 factions are the Khergit Khanate, Kingdom of the Nords, Kingdom of Rhodoks, Kingdom of Swadia, Kingdom of Vaegirs and the Sarranid Sultanate.

Choosing your backstory

When you first start up a new game, you are asked to choose how your backstory is like and this would affect your character stats. You have 4 main attributes which are Strength, Agility, Intelligence and Charisma and upgrading these attributes allow you to further upgrade skills. Skills require certain levels of attributes in order to be upgraded, for example Ironflesh which increase the maximum hit points you have and requires strength to be upgraded to a higher level. You can also level up your character’s weapon proficiency like archery or one-handed weapons so that you’re more effective in combat.

Character Stat Page

After the character creation, you can to choose which faction’s capital city you want to start out in. Upon choosing, you will be ambushed by a bandit and you have to kill him with either your crossbow or sword. Afterwards, a merchant will approach you and invites you to his house where he gives you a quest to hire men to fight for you in a rebellion the merchant is planning.

Recruiting volunteers is very simple, all you have to do is go to any villages that are not towns and you’re able to hire volunteers to fight for you, as they fight with you longer in battle, they will be able to be promoted to a higher rank troop which is stronger and much more durable in battle.

The kingdoms also specialises in a certain type of troop like the Kingdom of Vaegirs specialises in archers and the Kingdom of the Nords specialises in infantry. Keep this in mind when you want to build an effective and strong army.

As for the sound of the game, though you will hear the same old screaming of the men or women fighting in battles, you would be probably more focused on combat in the game. The soundtrack is amazing though, the peaceful and calm music when you’re travelling and intense music when in battle, these little things makes a battle or travelling a little more interesting.

Horseback Combat

For combat, there are various weapon types you can use, from one-handed weapons to javelins. For sword or axe combat, you can swing your sword from 4 directions, left, right, upwards and downwards. This can be used to attack your opponent’s weak spot or to parry them. For bows and crossbows, it is pretty straight forward, all you have to do is aim and arch your arrow towards your enemy. Throwing weapons are a little different from bows and crossbows but are still similar. Lances can be used on horseback and not recommended on foot, you can either do a couch lance attack or a normal attack against the enemy.

World Map

When not in combat, you will be in a world map type of scenario where when not moving the game will be paused, from there you will be able to see all the different towns, villages and from the different factions and who owns them. You will be able to see yourself and any other vassals of the different factions if they are in your visible range. From there you are also able to manage your party, character and see reports of current events.

If you’re not up for Singleplayer, there’s always Multiplayer where there are different servers running different types of gamemodes. This would be fun for people who enjoy multiplayer games.

In conclusion, Mount and Blade: Warband is a really good RPG-Action game with many things to do. This would ensure countless playtime, without getting repetitive very soon. The graphics may look old but the gameplay and sound is excellent and nonetheless, it is still a great game and I would greatly recommend this to anyone who loves RPG-Action games.

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Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby

Hoenn was always my favorite region since I was a small child. Many other Pokemon fans would also think that catching Rayquaza was their happiest moment in their childhood. I was really excited when Nintendo first announced the release of a remake of Ruby and Sapphire and I’m pretty sure any other Pokemon fans was excited regardless of their favorite region/game As I played the game memories of trainers returned. Especially the bug type trainers with 6 wurmple on their team.

It was truly a nostalgic journey which is one of the thing Nintendo hopes for whenever they make a remake. From a cute friendship with your rival to a touching ending. Touching not only because of the story, touching also as it’s the end of the game and there will most likely be no more ruby/sapphire/emerald remakes.

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby offers really beautiful and detailed graphics like the wings of Beautifly. The graphics really showed how much games have changed over the past decade. The post game content is really huge. The number of legendaries have increased by a lot so once you defeat the Elite Four and the Champion, you can leave you champion duty to Steven and not have to carry out Champion duty and go around Hoenn trying to complete your pokedex and most importantly catching all the legendaries.

One thing that annoyed me throughout the game was the number of HMs. When a HM is learnt it is not easily unlearned. The only good HM I would say would be Surf. To beat the Elite Four and Champion all you need is a over leveled Swampert and just spam Surf. Most of the times before beating the Elite Four my team would have four of my Pokemon which I share a close relationship with and 2 other HM slaves.

Overall I think that more can be done to make the game better but no matter what, if you are a Pokemon fan, you should play this game.

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The Ensign

The Ensign is the prequel to rope-playing text-based game A Dark Room. Awake. Head throbbing. Vision blurry. Come light the fire. A Dark Room was not really welcomed. It received many 1 out of 5 star rating when it first came out. Many people calling it a waste of money. At the price of USD$1.99 many people thought that it was a cheap game thus buying it. But after playing the game for a few minutes, they clearly were not impressed at all. But after a few minority of people completed the game, they were amazed by the storyline. This lead to the game A Dark Room becoming popular.

The main reason why A Dark Room is considered one of the best games in the app store, is because of it’s storyline. It starts out with nothing but a fire that you need to stoke to keep yourself warm, that slowly expands out in an unexpectedly large and depressing adventure.

The Ensign will give us a clue on the events that took place before A Dark Room. But The Ensign is a different game from A Dark Room in terms of it’s gameplay. In A Dark Room, you had to explore A Dusty Path and slowly expand your base of operation and explore the wasteland. You also had to do town management, you had to build huts with the materials you gathered and send workers to either chop wood or work in the mines. But whereas in The Ensign, it focuses much more on the exploration side of things. There will be new dungeons that won’t simply lead you in one direction, weapons will break if you are not careful and a new enemy will be stalking you all over the mad.

Another huge difference is that The Ensign will be extremely difficult. You will die alot. But the main purpose of it is for you to learn from your death and advance further each time you die. If your character dies it shows “Time Paradox” instead of “Game Over” then the game restarts from the beginning.

If you are looking for something that takes the mechanics of A Dark Room and builds on it this game has very less to offer to you. But if you are really interested in the games story and would play it again to fill in a little bit of details, or you would like to play a RPG game with much higher difficulty, you can spend your money guilt free.

So, overall I would give this game a rating of 7 out of 10, I really expected more from The Ensign. It had a great storyline but the gameplay could have been better. But because I am a A Dark Room fan, I would not mind spending a little bit of money to experience this game.

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A Dark Room

A Dark Room is a role-playing text-based game developed by Doublespeak Games. A Dark Room was originally released on PC in 2013 by Candy Box before releasing it in the App Store for IOS devices in 2014.

When you first start up the game, it gives a feeling of being cheated by the developer as noticed by most people who had just started. You will be thrown into a dark environment with only the option to “light fire” and almost immediately after clicking it the environment becomes brighter. You will have the option to “stroke fire” to make the room brighter.

Suddenly a stranger stumbles into your “firelit room”, not long after you are able to enter a silent forest to gather wood. The stranger then introduces herself, saying that she can build things for you. From then on she is known as the “builder”

The builder will construct items for you that will be beneficial for you. Some of the items are the traps to get meat or a one-time-build cart to allow you to cart wood instead.

Once your builder constructs a hut, you’re able to start housing wanderers from the wild to join your village. As your village progresses it grows even bigger and random events will pop up and it gives you some options for you to choose.

At one point of the game you’re able to travel out into the wilderness. This makes the player realise that A Dark Room is in fact a hybrid of two genres. Inside the room and in your village it is a text adventure while travelling out into the world it is a Rougelike with RPG elements.

Out in the wilderness, you will face many enemies to battle and as you travel out you will require food and water which can either obtained in an outpost that you captured or from your village.

While playing A Dark Room, there aren’t any bugs or glitches that I had encountered so there wouldn’t be anything game breaking from stopping your progress. It is well optimised and can run smoothly on most devices without much performance lost. The story is really intriguing and will be sure to make you satisfied at the end. Although it can be really long and time consuming but you do not need to sit through it all in one session as stroking the fire saves your game.

In conclusion, if you’re really interested in hybrids like A Dark Room, you’ll be really pleased to play this game. Despite its simplicity, it is still fun and yet engaging. It cost S$2.58 on the Appstore but it would definitely be worth the cost.


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