Withings Activité Pop

The Withings Activité Pop looks like a typical wristwatch. However, there is actually a fitness tech hidden in it. By connecting it to any mobile devices, it works just like a smart fitness tracker, and an affordable one at that. It currently now only works with iPhones and has limited functions. This is still most probably as stylish and convenient a fitness tracker can get.

Besides the fitness tech in the watch, there is also an accelerometer for step – counting. The device is also waterproof and connecting it using a mobile device via Bluetooth is possible. It also has a battery which does not require charging and is replaceable within 8 months.

With a sharp, unique and great design, this watch has a lot to offer. It has a band made of silicon and a mineral glass – domed analog watchface. Available in blue, black and white, this is eye – catching watch has a steel body and its minute and hour hands are painted.

The device currently doesn’t support Android yet even though the app, Withing Health Mate, runs on Android. Once the application is opened, syncing will start immediately. Like any other pedometer, the step – counting function works the same way but users would be able to see their daily progress from a secondary dial on the watch which ranges from 0 to 100. A unit of that is equal to 1000 steps. The dial will also reset to zero at midnight.

Another function that the Withings Activité Pop has its sleep tracking. It works automatically and syncs data with a relatively well accuracy. It measures the level of sleep, which is classified under deep, awake and light. However, it does not measure heart rate and lacks some functions which more advanced sleep – trackers have.

This unique fitness tracker has a lot of potential and there definitely will be similar products on the market in the future. It has an amazing design and is able to work as a basic fitness tracker while looking stylish at the same time.

Photo Courtesy of : http://www.withings.com/us/withings-activite-pop.html

Amazon Echo

Amazon Echo

The Amazon Echo is a very attractively designed speaker and has a unique voice controlled system which is anchored by “Alexa”, a clear and smooth – sounding voice.. It has a simple Wi – Fi setup and can be connected directly by Bluetooth. However, it does not sound really great when playing music and distorts at high volume. A battery option is also not available for the Echo therefore, it must be plugged in at all times.

The voice behind Echo, Alexa, is Amazon’s new voice – activated, cloud – connected wireless speaker. It acts as a very helpful personal assistant. For a voice – controlled device, the Echo would be considered as one of the better ones and understands commands fairly well. Embedded of this sleek 23.5 cm tall speaker are seven microphones. When someone says “Alexa”, the volume ring on top of the speaker lights up and will then be able to receive other commands.

In order to connect the speaker to a Wi – Fi, an app is needed. Alternatively, connecting the speaker via Bluetooth is also possible. It does not have a speaker phone function yet but that might be possible in the future. Alexa is capable of setting an alarm or timer, telling fun facts and even making a joke.

In Bluetooth mode, the speaker is able to connect to music services such as Spotify. However, a command to start playing a playlist does not exist yet which means that you have to do it through the Spotify app on your phone or tablet. The average time of setting it up on a new network is about 5 minutes.

A remote with a built – in microphone also comes along when you get the Echo. Therefore, when you are too far away from the speaker, you are still able to give it commands. For now, Echo only interacts with Wikipedia and not many other data respositories.

Overall, the Amazon Echo is definitely still a work in progress and will have more improvement and features in the future.

Photo Courtesy of : http://uncrate.com/stuff/amazon-echo/